Friday, March 21, 2014

Seasonal Masks

A Japanese Maple Tree
holds secrets in its leaves

One color covers another and hidden under it
 another pigment forms,
and in between appearing and disappearing,
colors that we can't even fathom
decorate the leaves.

Maple's colors reveal themselves
if you watch it everyday;
then, you'll know
when the green mask gradually
disintegrates, revealing the others
in mystical arrays
and creating new masks too
so vivid in hues
and yet...
the green mask returns.

Nature's colors, so dependent
on moisture, on temperature, on light
show different pigments
and combinations of intensity
throughout the year.
These pigments
reflect color back to us, but
what happens to the colors that get absorbed?
Do they exist?
I say YES!

For the story doesn't stop here-
some pigments save the world
and just from a green pigment
called chlorophyll
life goes on and on...

 What is it in the leaves of the Japanese maple
that give it magical abilities?
Hidden under many masks
the Japanese Maple simply is...
what it is meant to be.

A poem by Chrom-BeaN inspired by BeaN-chrome's photo
   (** The prefix Chrom- and the suffix -chome both mean color)   

BeaNspiration: Look for colorful transformations everywhere!