Tuesday, December 8, 2015

My Secret Path

The cracked rock
caught my attention,
An entrance!

I hiked this trail 
many times
but never saw this path.

Now a new road,
available, just...
for me to discover.

BeaNspiration:  Observe carefully, so you don't lose your way!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Prickly Pear Cactus

I love Cactus!  There's something about life that survives the desert.   In my mind I see the desert as it once was.  Barren, burning and freezing, yet teeming with those survivors everywhere.  This poem came out of my wanderings through California deserts.  So diverse and yet there's something about the desert...

Prickly Pear Cactus

I am a cactus
with slanted eyes

The red fruit 
bears little resemblance
to other places

It is my heart,
born in this desert,
fortified by the hot soil

I do belong here! 

BeaNspiration: Scanning the horizon for Inspiration!!!!!!