Sunday, January 25, 2015

Solo Sojourn

Traveling alone
Outside the box
Entering the belly of the dragon,
not knowing a soul

Flying through valleys
Soaring the hills
To ride on the escalating scales
of the serpent

Taking flight again
A rocket with velour seats;
Plush comfort 
for such a long trip to Venus

Darkness swallows me whole
But I am not afraid
I found myself in reverie
on my solo sojourn

BeaNspiration:  A small step out of one's comfort zone expands the horizons!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Be Inspired!!!!!


I feel like a BeaN
Covered in  dirt
The warm earth
Encouraging my spirit

I feel like a BeaN
Sending down my roots
Securing me
With love

I feel like a BeaN
Stirring inside
Creating a frenzy
In the center of my soul

I feel like a BeaN
Ready to sprout
Stems and leaves 
Instinctively reaching

I feel like a BeaN
Finding the light
Bursting through with inspiration
Ready to be me

BeaNspiration:  Become the Being you're meant to Be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!