Tuesday, December 8, 2015

My Secret Path

The cracked rock
caught my attention,
An entrance!

I hiked this trail 
many times
but never saw this path.

Now a new road,
available, just...
for me to discover.

BeaNspiration:  Observe carefully, so you don't lose your way!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Prickly Pear Cactus

I love Cactus!  There's something about life that survives the desert.   In my mind I see the desert as it once was.  Barren, burning and freezing, yet teeming with those survivors everywhere.  This poem came out of my wanderings through California deserts.  So diverse and yet there's something about the desert...

Prickly Pear Cactus

I am a cactus
with slanted eyes

The red fruit 
bears little resemblance
to other places

It is my heart,
born in this desert,
fortified by the hot soil

I do belong here! 

BeaNspiration: Scanning the horizon for Inspiration!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Coming Full Circle

Look what I found!  It's a poem I wrote in high school.  It seems I thought I was too old to look at the clouds!  Well now I'm finding all kinds of magical creatures in the clouds once more.  Do you see the dragon?

My Transient Friend

Where are you now
My cloud of yesteryears?
The one who'd change
With the blink of an eye.

I used to watch you 
Do magic tricks,
You'd turn into an elephant
And then a lively clown.

I miss you so much,
I need to see 
Your funny face again.
Just one more time!

I search for you
But you're no longer here.
You seem to have disappeared
And in your place...a patch of white.

BeaNspiration:  Sometimes we need to come out from under the clouds and see the magic all around!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Nature Knows...

Mammoth Lakes, CA

Nature's constant 

Just By Being

With the hand of time

Through the ages


BeaNspiration:  I hear my lessons when I'm outside!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Joshua Tree

Joshua Tree

To survive
In the desert
In this drought

Fight, Endure
Live on

BeaNspiration:  Something in us all, fights to survive!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Do You See Me?

Do you see me? 
I'm here
Shooting down roots...

Do you see me?
I'm here
Reaching for the sun...

Do you see me?
I'm here
Feeling wonderful!

BeaNspirations:  There's wonderful things to see everywhere you look!  Look in the mirror, I see another beautiful being there too!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

You Will Fly!!!!!

If I could...
I would protect you forever
Never let you fall
Hold you so tight, I'd
Shield you from all harm

But then...
You'd never grow wings
Danger would find you and
Without your own fight or flight response
You'd never make it

So I can't!
I must release my fear
Trust you
To learn to protect yourself
And fly

So exhilarating!!!!!
Watching you learn to soar!!!!!

BeaNspiration:  Transformation is beautiful!!!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Be aN Inspiration!

Be aN Inspiration is our new mantra!  Anyone can do it.  It's not some gigantic project or being #1 at everything, it's just being YOU!  You can do it!  It may be as simple as a smile you give to someone having a hard day or standing up when you've fallen down.  You're an inspiration everyday you try!

The Azuki BeaNs want you to go out and be inspired!

BeaNspiration:  You are the BEST YOU!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Solo Sojourn

Traveling alone
Outside the box
Entering the belly of the dragon,
not knowing a soul

Flying through valleys
Soaring the hills
To ride on the escalating scales
of the serpent

Taking flight again
A rocket with velour seats;
Plush comfort 
for such a long trip to Venus

Darkness swallows me whole
But I am not afraid
I found myself in reverie
on my solo sojourn

BeaNspiration:  A small step out of one's comfort zone expands the horizons!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Be Inspired!!!!!


I feel like a BeaN
Covered in  dirt
The warm earth
Encouraging my spirit

I feel like a BeaN
Sending down my roots
Securing me
With love

I feel like a BeaN
Stirring inside
Creating a frenzy
In the center of my soul

I feel like a BeaN
Ready to sprout
Stems and leaves 
Instinctively reaching

I feel like a BeaN
Finding the light
Bursting through with inspiration
Ready to be me

BeaNspiration:  Become the Being you're meant to Be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!