Friday, June 27, 2014

Azuki BeaN Sticks

Sensei BeaN wants to pass on what he's learned to his students.  He wrote down some lessons that helped him gain self confidence and a winning attitude.

Lesson 1:  Gratitude  
Lesson 2: Respect
Lesson 3:  Clear Mind
Lesson 4:  Responsibility
Lesson 5:  Perseverance
Lesson 6:  Kindness
Lesson 7:  Dignity
Lesson 8:  Self Confidence

Sensei BeaN wrote the lesson on the back of a tongue depressor after he painted them with acrylic paint.  He is a karate instructor but more than that he is a Sensei - teacher!  These sticks can now serve as book markers or dice (put it in a paper bag reaching in and grabbing one, move the number of spaces) or reminders of lessons that need review or as positive affirmations to keep with you when you need it. 

BeaNspiration:  Pass on the positive lessons that you gather through your journey!

Numbers in Japanese:
Ichi - 1
Ni - 2
San - 3
Shi - 4
Go - 5
Roku - 6
Shichi - 7
Hachi -8

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Bee Hive

Do you see the hive?
Hexagonal cells

BeaNspiration:  Busy BeaNs can accomplish miracles when they persevere!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Artichoke Flower

The flower blooms
When it's time
Pushing forth
In all its vibrancy
Ready to 
Create seeds

BeaNspiration:  Seeds planted with care sprout with inspiration!

Friday, June 6, 2014


Hello friends!  In our last story, we left the ending for you to make. Why would we leave a space, a hole in our story?  This is because the most magical things come in spaces.  The spaces between cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, worlds, where chemicals, current, ions, gravitational force, conversations, and feelings pass between.  The fact that everyTHING, enveloped in space can and will communicate with each other is remarkable!

So in the space between last week and this week, we hope you thought about some of the scenarios that could've caused the nerve cells to stop communicating with each other.  Maybe it was a vortex or black hole, so tiny yet strong enough to remove the neurotransmitters, or maybe there were inhibitor toxins preventing the neurotransmitters to be produced, or other microbial monsters.  Maybe some type of high pitched frequency that affected brain waves which caused the brain to change the body chemistry.  Let your mind fly in the space of time.

As you could see in the case of neurons the space or synapse was important.  Without messages transported from one cell to another through this space, the whole purpose of having neurons is lost. Here's a poem that tries to explain the importance of space.


It's in the spaces where everything is happening!
The spaces between our cells 
Chemicals flow
The spaces between two people 
Conversations pass
The spaces between two planets 
Forces hold

What happens in the spaces...
Magical Connections!

BeaNspirations:  Connect with friends and create Magic!